Pactio Gestión - expert managers of CII

Customer service form

Pactio Gestión SGIIC, S.A. sole shareholder company ("Pactio") has a Customer Service Department (the "Service"), pursuant to section 48 of the Law 35/2003, of 4 November, of Collective Investment Institutions, and the Order ECO 734/2004, of 11 March. In relation to the Service, Pactio provides the following information:

Servicio de Atención al Cliente
Calle Rafael Calvo, 39 - 28010 Madrid
Telephone: 91 837 94 10
Fax: 91 837 94 11

The function of this Service is to oversee and protect the rights and interests of clients, and to ensure that relations between Pactio and its clients are conducted at all times in accordance with the principles of good faith, equity, and mutual trust.

The Service is required to hear and resolve any complaints and claims presented by clients within one month of their presentation, through a reasoned decision. 

If the Service fails to deal with the complaint or claim lodged within the time frame indicated previously, or the client is dissatisfied with the outcome, the client may take their claim to the Complaints Service of Spain’s Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores), Calle Edison, 4 - 28006 Madrid, with web page

Pactio sets out its Regulations for Customer Protection (Spanish) which are accessible on this webpage. These Regulations set out the operation of the Service and the ways in which complaints and claims are handled.


 Download Regulations (Spain)


Customer service form

verification code